
A corporate leader ready to give a presentation to their team

Category: Expertise strategy

emagine Leadership Programme

emagine is committed to continuing the trajectory of sustainable business growth that the firm has experienced in recent years. In this article, Stephen Hegarty, Senior Account Manager at emagine Ireland, discusses one of our strategic initiatives: the Leadership Programme.

To maintain a market-leading position, we have implemented various strategic initiatives that will help to enhance our offering over time.

One of these strategies involves the development of our Leadership Programme that we launched last year and are excited to be rolling out 


What is the Leadership Programme?

emagine's Leadership Programme is designed to strengthen leadership skills across the organisation at all levels and to achieve synergy throughout the group.

There were two primary objectives: firstly, to elevate the overall leadership skills within the organisation and, secondly, to establish deeper synergy in the firm’s culture. The foundations of the programme align with the Nordic leadership style we adopt across the firm.

The core values of this are based around employee wellbeing through equality and respect in the workplace, an openness towards new ideas and crystal-clear communication, fostering effective and supportive work relationships that motivate people and ultimately drive the business forwards. It is an approach fostered from the top down.

This leadership philosophy is based on the belief in the potential of our employees, and it supports their growth and success by providing a nurturing environment where everyone can thrive.

Business people asking questions during a meeting.

The programme enables employees to learn new skills, but it also helps them reflect on their career options, including whether they would like to progress in their current role, or if they would be interested in diversifying into other avenues of the business.

In 2023, we successfully trained 69 emagine leaders through the six-month programme, starting with our top executives and we are now working our way through the wider group.

We spoke to Stephen Hegarty, Senior Account Manager at emagine Ireland, about his experience on the programme.

What did the programme entail?

“In the first session, we began by defining the core values of emagine and reflected on our own leadership strengths and weaknesses to understand what areas to focus on as individuals.

We then explored different personality types and varying styles of management to accommodate people’s needs, which was extremely useful.

There was a mix of in-person and online sessions which kept the programme interesting and engaging. We also had six online meetings with a life-coach to discuss our career journeys and explore what keeps us motivated in the workplace.”

A business consultant giving a presentation at work.

Have you seen any benefits?

“When I considered my own core values and what is important to me professionally, it made me realise that my previous role was not the right one for me.

I was formerly Head of Sales at emagine in Ireland but, on reflection, I realised that I preferred the account management elements of the role, so I decided to focus on these and carve out a role in Global Account Management, which is the route I am currently taking.

If it wasn’t for the leadership programme, I may well have stayed in a role that was not fulfilling for me, and my job satisfaction and output would likely have been gradually impacted over time.

My cohort also enjoyed the relaxed nature of the programme. Often these courses can be overly formal and corporate, but the leadership team did a great job of removing the obstacles and making the programme simple, efficient and accessible for everyone participating.”


The foundations of the programme align with the Nordic leadership style we adopt across the firm.


At emagine, we believe the holistic approach to leadership training is enabling the programme to have the intended impact on our emagineers, and we are still in the early stages of rolling it out.

A safe, inclusive and supported work environment will empower our employees to grow to their full potential, in whichever career avenue they feel is best suited to them.

We will continue to work our way through the organisation to deliver the Leardership Programme and each cohort will, in turn, contribute to emagine’s goal of group synergy.

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