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Growth and technology are currently the two biggest business priorities for CEOs. According to Gartner research, 62% of CEOs across the globe say growth is their top business priority for 2024-5, representing a dramatic increase from last year, when only 49% said it was their no.1 focus. This return to a ‘growth mindset’, Gartner claims, heralds a rise in business leaders’ confidence and proactive growth strategies after a challenging few years.
It is no surprise that technology is second on the priority list given the pace of change over recent years, and the opportunities that emerging tech brings to leverage data and support business growth. This means that how the IT function and data is managed has never been more important for businesses.
Read more about the Gartner research
IT function is integral to growth
Data and technology form a central pillar in business growth. A key ingredient for successful digital transformations that drive growth is taking a holistic, organisation-wide approach and integrating new technologies and practices seamlessly throughout a firm’s operations. In customer-facing sectors like retail and finance, knowing your customer is paramount and relies entirely on data, making the IT function instrumental to business growth.