Task: Mapping for the establishment of a new organizational unit
Customer: Public customer
Delivered team: 9 consultants
Subcontractors: 3 leading consulting firms
Areas of expertise:
- Business consulting
- Technology, strategy, and transformation
- Financial and auditor consulting
- Legal advisory services
- Data analysis
The customer wanted to explore the market and search for relevant available expertise, and through an existing framework agreement with emagine, this was possible.
In the dialogue with emagine, the customer realized that the entire selection process would be easier and time-saving for the customer's employees. The customer then chose emagine, which took the entire process of delivering a complete team for mapping.
emagine searched the market and requested the best resources from three major consulting firms that work, among other things, with strategy, transformation, and business development, which were important competence areas for the project.
After 10 days, the customer was presented with a proposal containing qualified candidates for selection and interviews with the specialists.