Nearshoring supplemented by local experts
SDC takes a strategic, structured approach to sourcing IT expertise, which ensures that the business consistently has access to the necessary resources. Nearshoring in Poland plays a vital role in this strategic effort: in recent years, SDC has developed a robust setup that carries out many IT tasks. This setup has become crucial to the success of the business:
"Today, we have the entire palette in Poland. Developers, testers, and test managers, but we also have more senior roles such as team leads and heads of departments. We've arrived at a situation where the entire organisation at SDC uses Polish consultants," explains Gunri Kallsberg Ellefsen, who has primary responsibility for sourcing IT consultants.
A nearshoring setup that enables the business to scale its resources as needed is a strategic priority for SDC. Local consultants in Denmark who do not have the same strategic focus are used to supplement the nearshoring consultants: they are primarily regarded as an operational fix when we need specialist expertise at short notice.
"We use local external consultants as resource reinforcements. We have a lot of highly specialised projects, and the consultants come in and help with more acute issues where we need specialist skills," explains Henrik Buchholt Bach.
Using both local workforce and nearshoring consultants supplement and reinforce a robust and effective employee setup. And this approach has been successful for SDC. The organisation has achieved the scalability it needs while gradually integrating the Polish consultants as a vital part of the business.